Monday, September 23, 2013


Natasha is a friend of my sisters. I have never met her. For all I know she could be an imaginary friend from childhood that showed up again later in life to solve a life crisis and brought Canada mittens instead of a sweater stripey. *Drop Dead Fred Anyone* I know Natasha (real or imaginary) reads this blog because Mr. Google tells me so. She has never left a comment even though she is more than welcome to. I just get reviews from her through Margie. Come on Natasha show yourself!

So Hi Natasha! This one is for you!

Saturday I decided to cut off all my hair. It doesn't matter a whole lot that I cut it as my hair is normally styled in the ponytail fashion. 8 inches was cut off and when I went to go show husband he didn't even notice. Again cause it is always in a ponytail. Below are the before and after of the hair transformation. 



Another before/after is that of my belly. I just so happen to be wearing the same outfit today as I did the day I officially found out I was pregnant. I see a bit of a difference. I feel quite a bit bigger than I was when pregnant with M. Granted I did start out a bit more fluffy this time (thank you fertility meds!)

19weeks with "M"

When I found out at 3w5d

Now at 14w5d
Sorry for the photos being all askew I'm working on an older than dirt computer and it won't let me format them.

P.S. id love some Canada mittens

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tuesday's appt

Went on Tuesday for our appointment. Nate thought we were there for an ultrasound but joke was on him it was just a standard visit. We heard and recorded the heart beat (I cant figure out how to put it on here) and it was at 174. I thought M would be more excited about the heartbeat but she just asked why the baby want talking. I have another appt in 3 weeks and on November 6th , should be able to find it the gender. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

cribs, changers and baby stuff...

Oh My!!!

I had been looking forward to this last weekend for weeks! Nate had the weekend off and he was going to clean out the garage and pull down all the baby stuff we had been storing for the past 5 years. My plan was to take inventory and start cleaning everything (I finally have some energy back Thank Glob for the second trimester). Once everything was down I realized a few things:

1. We don't have as much stuff as I thought... what was taking up all that room?
2. Almost every "large item" we have stored has expired. Who knew car seats could expire? I didn't until very recently
3. Even though we have 3 totes of clothes (some still with tags) we will still have to buy a crap ton of new clothes because either:
         a. baby will be a boy and would look funny in pink flowers
         b. If it is a girl M was born in Nov. this one will be born in March so the seasons are flip flopped. 
                (thank you Minnesota)
 granted I will be able to reuse onsies, sleep sacks and some other items for the first 2-3 months but the rest will have to be replaced.

We found a decent amount of baby toys and after pulling them into the basement M decided she wanted to tell me how she used to play with EACH and EVERY one of them. "Mom this is a rattle that I used to shake when I was a baby," "Mom baby me would chew on this doll," "When I was a baby I couldn't talk so I played this music instead." Apparently she spoke to me through the music table. Oops I guess I never caught she was trying to communicate.

After finally tracking down the crib that I wanted (which happened to be on super clearance) with the help of my sister MJ Nate and I found all the crib parts in our garage hunt. The only thing we are missing is the screws to hold it together. Or are they bolts? Regardless I'm sure they are important to the crib building process and will either get found or replaced if we decide to return the other crib and use this one. I have to do some checking to see if that too has "expired."

In this journey I also took a walk down memory lane. Not only pulling out M's baby clothes and reminiscing over how small and non-opinionated she used to be but also found a few boxes with college/high school stuff in them. There was possibly some items from middle school as well cause I don't remember carrying around a "Teen Bop" 2 page spread of Devin Sawa in college. Who knows I might be wrong.

I ended my weekend by filling holes in my closet walls. My mom and I ripped out some shelving in my closet a few weekends back in an attempt to turn it into a real closet where clothes can live. This is where I found out I have old dry plaster walls. It was breaking off in chunks. I hope by next weekend it will be filled, painted and ready for shelves.

As far as the pregnancy goes I have no clue. I have a doctors visit tomorrow which is good cause after being in the clinic every week for 4 months it feels very strange not to have gone for 4 weeks. My nausea is gone and has been replaced by CRAZY HEARTBURN. I notice I get it most from bananas, oatmeal and water.  I however do not get heartburn from the massive amounts of garlic cheesy bread I've been consuming. Nate working for a pizza place on the side has both been a blessing and a curse. All I have to say is "I kinda want some cheesy garlic bread" and it shows up later that evening.

Keep popping in and I'll do the same. Have a great Monday!

Monday, September 9, 2013

3 weeks already?

I have started 3-4 entries since the last one but they all are pretty lame. I don't have a ton of baby excitment going on right now. I am very excited to say that my friend N from Pennsylvania is also pregnant and is doing well. N and I met during my first transfer. She and I originally met online in a support group but got to meet in person when our paths crossed at the clinic in NYC. Her transfer was right before mine. Unfortunately her transfer that time also failed but we both got to move on to another transfer (her 3rd my 4th) and are both currently pregnant due within a few weeks of eachother. N's husband is a HUGE Orioles fan and N being born and raised in NY I assume is a Yankees fan **puke** they don't know it yet but they have a MN Twins onsie on the way to them as we speak.

I also found out just today that a good friend of mine who struggled to get pregnant with her first child is also pregnant due 8 days after I am. We could have babies at the same time if I didn't go WAY EARLY and she didnt go WAY LATE with her first. I am super excited for her.

Other than that it has been pretty quiet. M started school last week and already has her first "snow day" it's apparently too hot to keep the kids in school. Kind of mind blowing since last week was in the 90s and right now it is 75. Because of this M's first day of dance has also been cancelled.

I officially start working at a daycare today as well. I figured since I work at my current job 45-48 hours a week why not work 40 and get paid for working the extra 5-10 hours? Besides M has been asking me for almost 2 years to work at her school.

Thats all I've got for now but if you are feeling up to it check out my sister's blog.