This post is late coming and will be have to be done again later when all is said and done but there is a list of people who I owe HUGE thanks to for helping us make it through this.
*My parents- they have been very supportive through everything this past year and watching M when we took our first trip our as well as all the other times you have watched her for us.
*Again my mom for letting us use her hotel points for the 3 trips out here
* My dad for coming with to "visit 1" even though I was cranky most of the time I think he still had fun.
*Margie and dad For watching jack (dog) while we are in ny this time.
*both Nate and my work/managers for giving us the time off with little to no notice and messing with schedules to make it work
* Chris and Jeff for giving us a place to stay while waiting for flights and for picking up/dropping us off at the airport
* Ann for stopping in to check on the cat, get our mail and for always being someone to talk to regardless what it is
*Elizabeth for all but forcing me to contact the clinic after I didnt hear back about my application and for being someone I can bounce ideas off and vent to at work.
* Dr. A for going completely outside of his normal duties to run tests and doing monitoring locally so I can spend more time at home less time in ny.
* the readers and those keeping us in their thoughts- we are in the homestretch
This is a partial list there are so many people who have helped through this process weather they know it or not
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